Camp Jupiter Roleplay Wiki

Forums: Index > Wolf House > Laura

Age: 11
Godly Parent Choice 1: Venus
Godly Parent Choice 2: Neptune
Godly Parent Choice 3: Apollo
Cohort Choice 1: 7
Cohort Choice 2: 9
Faceclaim: Lajila Bordine

Appearance: Blond Hair, Blue Eyes, Purple Sneakers, Black Shirt, Jeans, Turqouise Necklace, Glasses 
Personality: Sweet, Dark
History: Skipped a grade, twin, scared of heights,spiders,dark
Weapons: Water, Scrunchie that turns into sword when not being worn

Please Bold Your Choices Except for the Last Question

1) How often will you edit?

A) A little every day
B) Every couple of days
C) At least once a week
D) Whenever I can

2) Is this your first character?

A) This demigod is not
B) This demigod is

3) How did you hear about this wikia?

A) Through a friend
B) From surfing the web
C) From another wikia

4) Have you made sure that you haven't used a reserved faceclaim?

A) Yes, I made sure by checking the list

3) Is your faceclaim already used?

A) No, I made sure that no other character had the same faceclaim

4) Put your signature under here.Laura303 (talk) 23:04, April 19, 2016 (UTC)Laura Anne Grausam


Please check your message wall.

Neo Was Here (talk) 18:09, July 30, 2016 (UTC)
