Camp Jupiter Roleplay Wiki
1313972957415418148howling-wolf-silhouette-psd38709-md ~ Policy Guide ~ 1313972957415418148howling-wolf-silhouette-psd38709-md-1
All policies are to be read by future soldiers of Camp Jupiter. To ensure a safe and pleasureable environment, we ask every camper to follow the policies. 
Enjoy Your Adventures at Camp Jupiter

In our endeavor to make our wikia a secure and safe place to roleplay, we ask all members to act in an appropriate and mature manner. Warnings and bans will be given if needed and these exemptions will not have prior notice or such.


  • Since the staff has the important job of managing the wikia, they will be constantly needed. If activity does not happen within ten days without excuse, titles will be stripped immediately. However, this may be argued and the majority vote has the ability to take away rights. 

Special Titles-

  • Users with special titles such as "Centurions" will be immediately stripped of their titles if activity does not happen within fifteen days without excuse. If he or she decides to return for their position, they will have to run and earn the spot, again.

Regular Users-

  • If no activities after a month happens without an excuse, his/her's characters will be deleted. 


If a user notifies an administrator of their leave of absence, the procedure will alter. 

  • Each user will be able to keep their characters for a maximum of a month. If the month is exceeded, character titles will be stripped and the user levels will be demoted back to level one. 
  • Admins will accept all excuses, but please, don't drag it out too long. If you need to leave, just tell us, we'll understand.

Planned Vacations-

  • A user must notify an admin if they will be spending some days on vacation. Your rights will be protected until you return. If the stay extends for a long period of time, decision will be made then.


  • A simple message on an administrator's wall stating that you'll be taking a leave of absence will be favored.