Camp Jupiter Roleplay Wiki

Administration Staff Only-[]

Accepting Claim[]

If the claim has a sufficient amount of good information and a signiture is at the bottom, you can put this tmeplate on top of the claim page and fill in the information.

{{Claim Accepted|Jupiter|First}}


Gods/Goddess Claiming[]

Every demigod has a divine parantage and they'll have to be claimed by a god or goddess. Note that Diana and Juno do not have claiming templates. Put this template in a message on the claim's page.

{{Arcus Sorting}}


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You Have Been Claimed by Arcus
Arcus, the goddess of rainbows. The children of Arcus usually have colorful and outgoing personalities. Her children are the only children of the god who do not need to pay for Arc messages.

If you have any questions, please either read Our Policies or contact one of our admins.

OS Claiming[]

Aside from demigods and legacies, there are other species that may be RP'ed on the wiki; nymphs, spirits, lares and fauns. They have separate claiming sections as well as separate claiming templates. Put this template on the claim's page.

{{Fire Nymph Sorting}}

Fire Nymph
You are an Ignis Nympham
This character has been claimed as a Fire Nymph. Fire nymphs/spirits are generally made by Vulcain, or other roman gods that have a specific relation with fire. To see powers, click here.

If you have any questions, please either read Our Policies or contact one of our admins.

Count Down Timer[]

Used for quest pages, voting pages or any page that is in need of a count down clock. Put this template on top of the page that needs this template. 

{{Count Down Timer|August 25 00:00:00 EST|This quest ends in}} 

Dead Quest[]

Used for quests that have been forfited. Put this template on top of any of the quests page that is in need of this template.

{{Dead Quest}}



This Quest is Dead
This quest has either been pulled early, because Reason. If you have any questions regarding why, please ask our Administration Team.

Quest Finished[]

Did they finally finish a quest and acchived all of the objectives? Put this template on top of any of the quests pages that have been finished.

{{Quest Finished}}
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This Quest is Finished
This quest has officially ended, because all the objectives and goals were met. Great job!

Modeling Applications[]

Did they want some help choosing a faceclaim? Put this template on any user's message wall in need of this template.

{{Template:Model|<br/>Hunter Skyes <br/> May Lin Liu <br/> Patty Mathias}}
